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[Hong Kong] Ceramic Show

[Hong Kong] Ceramic Show

2024/08/17  |  Events



[日本陶瓷藝術家 小川綾 Aya Ogawa Ceramic Show (Aug 17-25) in Gallery Credence]


小川老師在大阪的TOMOLE Ceramic Studio學習制陶技術,並於2015年時,參與了丹麥的Tortus Copenhagen Workshop,並將工作坊遷往東京。其後,小川老師的作品更闖出日本,於2019年獲頒「第51屆歐美國際公募芬蘭美術賞展」優秀獎。

小川老師的”Antique Blue”及”Midnight Stardust”系列作品,分別呈現出懷舊的天藍色及充滿神秘感的星空藍,配合簡約的線條設計,為空間帶來獨特的氛圍及別樹一幟的風格。此外,本次展覽亦新增了其他色彩的作品,突顯小川老師對色彩運用的敏銳度。

[Japanese Ceramic Artist – Aya Ogawa Ceramic Show (Aug 17-25) in Gallery Credence]

After February last year, in this exhibition, we will once again present the distinctive works of Japanese ceramic artist, Aya Ogawa San.

Ogawa San studied ceramic techniques at TOON Ceramic Studio in Osaka and participated in the Tortus Copenhagen Workshop in Denmark in 2015 before relocating the workshop to Tokyo. Subsequently, her works gained recognition beyond Japan, receiving the Excellent Award at the 51st Europe America International Open Call Finland Art Award Exhibition in 2019.

Ogawa San’s “Antique Blue” and “Midnight Stardust” series present nostalgic sky blue and mysteriously starry blue, each complemented by minimalist line designs, bringing a unique atmosphere and distinctive style to the space. Additionally, this exhibition introduces her works in other colors, highlighting Ogawa San’s keen sense of color application.

The show will be held in Gallery Credence. Details are as follows:

地點:Gallery Credence (旺角彌敦道581號2樓全層)

Date: Aug 17-25, 2024
Time: 1-7pm
Venue: Gallery Credence (2/F, 581 Nathan Road, Mongkok)

Aya Ogawa ceramics

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CNN INTERNATIONAL program [The Journey Matters]

CNN INTERNATIONAL program [The Journey Matters]

2024/01/12  |  News


Last month, CNN Hong Kong interviewed me for a story, and it will finally be broadcast.
It will be broadcast in 200 regions around the world, so you may be able to watch it at your home.


The Japanese word for nature - shizen - has long inspired Japan's aesthetics through its culture, arts and handicrafts.

Join Japanese supermodel #HikariMori as she discovers how nature influences Tokyo's artisans on The Journey Matters, airing this Saturday, 1:30pm HKT on CNN.

Saturday, 13th January 2:30pm JKT 
Sunday, 14th January 11:30am JST 
Monday, 15th January 3:30am JST

It will be broadcast in more than 200 countries and regions worldwide.

「The Journey Matters」

番組では、大地との繋がりを感じるような花瓶を制作する陶芸家小川綾さん、ミシュラングリーンスターを獲得したNœud. TOKYOのシェフ中塚直人さんに、それぞれ森星が出会い話を聞きます。そのほか、東京最古の蔵元・小澤酒造や伝統的な手法を用いる藍染工房・壺草苑、100年を超える歴史を誇る江戸指物の老舗工房の職人茂上豊さん、そして1920年代に建てられた歴史的建造物を改装したホテルK5や、さらには都会の喧騒を忘れ自然を感じさせるデザインが施された浅草の茶室ryokanを紹介していきます。



番組名:「特別番組:東京の伝統工芸」(英語タイトル:The Journey Matters)

CNNjウェブサイト www2.jctv.co.jp/cnnj/

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