
HONG KONG Solo Exhibition

2023/02/08  |  Events
HONG KONG Solo Exhibition




 [日本陶瓷藝術家 小川綾 Aya Ogawa Ceramic Show (Feb 8-12 in Gallery Credence]

要造出帶有特定的色彩及質感的陶瓷作品,需要陶瓷家勇於嘗試的心態和精湛的技術。Gallery Credence本次將為大家帶來日本陶瓷藝術家—小川綾老師的特色作品。

小川老師在大阪的TOON Ceramic Studio學習制陶技術,並於2015年時,參與了丹麥的Tortus Copenhagen Workshop,並將工作坊遷往東京。其後,小川老師的作品更闖出日本,於2019年獲頒「第51屆歐美國際公募芬蘭美術賞展」優秀獎。

本次展覽主要展出小川老師的”Antique Blue”及”Midnight Stardust”系列作品。兩款系列的作品分別呈現出懷舊的天藍色及充滿神秘感的星空藍,配合簡約的線條設計,為空間帶來獨特的氛圍及別樹一幟的風格。

[Japanese Ceramic Artist – Aya Ogawa Ceramic Show (Feb 8-12) in Gallery Credence]

To create a ceramic work with unique colours and textures, it requires numerous trials and exquisite techniques from the artist. We are happy to introduce the signature works by Japanese ceramic artist – Aya Ogawa to Hong Kong.

Ogawa San learned pottery at TOON Ceramic Studio in Osaka. After gaining experience when joining the Tortus Copenhagen Workshop in Denmark, She moved her studio to Tokyo. Her works are recognized by art lovers outside Japan. In 2019, she was awarded for excellence in The 51st Japanese Visual Art Exhibition in Finland.

The exhibition will mainly showcase Ogawa San’s “Antique Blue” and “Midnight Stardust” Series of works. The nostalgic sky-blue and mysterious azure colour create a distinct atmosphere and outstanding style for the space.

The show will be held in Gallery Credence. Details are as follows:


地點:Gallery Credence (旺角彌敦道581號2樓全層)

Date: Feb 8-12, 2023
Time: 1-7pm
Venue: Gallery Credence (2/F, 581 Nathan Road, Mongkok)



#小川綾 #香港生活 #香港
#ayaogawa_handmade_ceramics #陶芸 #陶器 #interior #インテリア #ceramics #interiordesign #potter #pottery #potterie #porcelain #ceramic #ceramica #japanesecraft #craft #craftsman #flowervases #フラワーベース #花器 #花瓶